Friday, July 26, 2013

Conical Crystal Dowsing pendulum


Dowsing is the process of using a tool such as a pendulum to discover things that cannot be discovered using our everyday senses. You can search for anything by projecting an intent of what is desired and receiving confirmation or non confirmation feedback through the body, usually by the movements of a dowsing instrument
The dowsing tool may act as a kind of amplifier or antenna for tuning into the energy.
Good things to look for are: water (perhaps underground, perhaps your rod will take you to a vase or a tap), the front door, something beautiful, a plant, a flower, the garden gate, etc. These may seem silly things to look for, however, as you do, you are strengthening your confidence and getting in more and more practice. It is not a good idea to look for important things first up, such as an important lost document or piece of jewellery for three reasons. One is that it may not even be on the site any longer, secondly, there is too much stress and importance around these objects to allow you to relax. Thirdly, if you place too much importance on these objects, and cannot find them when you are just beginning to practice, you may lose heart and give up altogether. Develop slowly on less important things, as these can always be looked for later. Another good thing to look for may be the best place on your property for you to meditate or to practice your divining. The possibilities are endless.

Dowsing for Questions You can ask your rods to cross in front of you to provide a "No" answer and open up around you for a "Yes" answer. In this manner you can ask many questions by gently walking with your rods, accessing your subconscious, and setting yourself free of ties that may bind you or hold you back from your true potential.

Excellent tool for dowsing experts, students, and for personal use
vastu & fengshui shop

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